Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Year in Review

2012.....What a crazy busy year!

January - Cancer confirmed
February - Bilateral Mastectomy & DIEP Reconstruction
March - Blood clots, flap removal & Axillary Node Dissection
April - Ottawa Playoff Games (waahoo!); Start chemotherapy
May - Lose hair; Alter-egos Jenny and J-Lo make public appearances
June - Finish 4 rounds of AC; Mikayla writes and performs a beautiful song for her music final
July - Fishing at Emma Lake; Great family visits; Rider games; Begin 12 weekly rounds of Taxol
August - Visit with family and friends; Bob returns to work
September - School start up...finding a new normal
October - Finish chemotherapy; start Tamoxifen; Lose eye brows and eye lashes
November- Welcome back eye brows and eye lashes and a tuff of hair
December - Hysterectomy;  Retire alter-egos Jenny & J-Lo; Celebrate Christmas in a Prince Albert; Recover, find a new normal...Life is good!

2013.....we are more than ready for a New Year!  Happy New Year to all!

Love, Bob, Shelley, Alycia, Mikayla, Robbie & Zoe

Christmas 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Update

Merry Christmas!

Wow!  December 25th is sure coming up faster than what seems normal!  We are looking forward to spending time with our families and friends!

Just a quick update on the medical will be 3 weeks post surgery on the 25th.....unfortunately I am still a bit sore and tender and disappointed that this recovery isn't going faster.  Today at physio, it was determined that I need a bit of a physio break to let me recover.  Under normal circumstances, the total hysterectomy done laproscopically is a speedier recovery.  However, due to an already compromised stomach (DIEP surgery in February) things are taking a bit longer to heal.  Hopefully a 2 week break will jump start the New Year healing process.  I promised to take it easy too.  This however, is easier said than done!

From our house to yours, we wish wish you health, happiness and peace the wondrous Christmas season and many blessings in 2013!

Bob, Shelley, Alycia, Mikayla, Robbie & Zoe

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Recovery Update

It's been two weeks since surgery.....and the 2nd week of recovery is much better than the first week.  I am a better patient with patience too ;-)  I am moving better, able to sit better and the "heat" I am experiencing as part of post-menopause, although warm, isn't making me run naked through the least not yet. My physio treatments are limited to my chest and back until my stomach has a chance to recover a bit more.  Unfortunately some the swelling in my arm is back but the physio gals assure me this is normal and will bounce back once they are able to pick up the pace.

My goals this week:
  • walk on the treadmill.... even with no incline and minimal speed I hope to feel better as it has been two poor dog is so confused and desperately misses her daily walks
  • get a hair cut :-D .....OK, not a "real" haircut" but a trim
  • get a manicure and nails are growing back and not splitting like they were during and immediately after chemo
  • celebrate life....and enjoy the simple pleasures of the holiday season with family and friends
Please keep my survivor blog friends and their families in your prayers as their journeys are beginning and mid-stream.....each document remarkable stories of courage and faith.
  • Donna, keep up the great work! You're almost done! xoxox - The Love Loop 
  • Glen, your journey has been incredible! Now it's recovery time! Waahoo! - It's a Mental Game
  • Chantal, you can do it!  - I'd rather b shopping
  • Aunt Louise and Auntie Ann...xoxoxo
  • all others who are about to embark on this incredible journey or other challenges...keep the faith!
  • And of course, the families and friends of Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newton, Connecticut...this tragedy is unbelievable....incomprehensible. May this town find peace and strength again.
Special thanks to the Ministry of Education folks at was so great to see you all and have Christmas lunch!

Eat, pray, walk.....Shelley xoxo

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Simple Joy

What  a week of recovery it has been!  I think I have gone through the whole gamut of emotions....
  • happy.... that this is over;
  • darn right angry..... that I feel so sore and tired (been there done that sort of thing),
  • grouchy....just because 
  • be home and not in a hospital
Again my nurse-maid and soul-mate, Bob, took wonderful care of me as he was back on needle duty for a few days while I found my bearings.  He also experienced the joy of helping with compressions sleeves and socks......wish I could have video taped that! Hahaha! And he was back on cleaning duties full-time cracking the whip with the kids! I am not sure if you watch Duck Dynasty or Not.....but here are a couple of pictures that Uncle Si would be proud of....I think! :-D  Karilyn and Earl just don't know what to think of's been a long long year!
Bob's Maid Service Dec 2012
Bob wearing "Jenny"...
no further comment

As always, I try to look for the positives in this journey.  This week I had to dig really deep into the well of life's simple pleasures to acknowledge the following:
  • Eye oh man, how I missed you! The Cookie Monster has nothing on me this Christmas season as I am finding it difficult to pluck them
  • Eye Lashes....I missed you too! And they came back full and long!  I can use an eye lash curler for real!! 
  • Chin Hair....I was actually happy to see you too!  And had no problem pulling you out!!
  • Home...."there is no place like home" I love my home. I love my family.
  • Hair....Bob calls me Silver Fox....more on that in another post
May God bless and keep each of you safe and healthy this holiday season and always! Enjoy the simple joys of the holiday season! Shelley xoxox

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Road to Recovery

Yesterday's surgery went as scheduled and planned for the most part.  Dr. Aspe Lacero performed a laproscopic total hysterectomy and Dr. Kyle Korman worked his magic with anesthetics.  Discharge took a little longer than planned due to the spinal and general anesthetic I received so I was quite frozen. However, once thawed, I passed the tests of standing, walking, voiding, etc. So with pain medication in hand we were sent home shortly after 11:00 PM. We were the last ones on the day surgery floor to leave.

Once home the kids all greeted me which was so nice....but then I had to tell them to get to bed being a school night and all! And I was so hungry too.....jello tasted like a piece of heaven after two days of liquids.  Although sleep came easy, I was up at 4:00 AM and 7:00 AM to take some pain meds. Today I mostly slept and I am sore of course.  It's nice to be home to recover.

The road to recovery is double-lane and paved this time around...for that I am thankful.

Lots of Love, Shelley xoxo

Monday, December 3, 2012

Third Time's a Charm!

Tomorrow is my third surgery in 2012. 
I am ready.
I am thankful it's only 3 hours (or less).
I look forward to supper tomorrow as I sip on broth :)
Here's to tomorrow!
Please say an extra prayer or two around 1:00 PM...thanks!

~ Shelley xo

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Panic Mode of Sorts

Well, here I sit blogging/procrastinating/ignoring the fact that I have 1 week to get ready for Christmas before surgery.....AAARRRGGHHH!! And I can't seem to get motivated!  On a subconscious level, I am hoping that this is a walk in the park and I will rush about with all the last minute shoppers on the 24th! .....if I had a $ for every "oh, it's laproscopic! You'll be up and running in days" I would hire someone to bake, decorate, etc. (Not really....just a bit of sarcasm.) However, my doctor told me to expect a 6-8 week recovery period because of recent surgeries and complications.  Anything sooner will be a bonus. .....panic mode really hasn't set in.....yet!  I am just thinking about it - hahahah!

I need to get exercising to  get those happy holiday endorphins flowing and to church for patience and more patience.

Eat, pray, walk! Shelley xo

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012 ending soon

Today I got the call for my upcoming surgery!  Waahoo!  Can't wait to get this done... 2012 started with cancer surgery and is ending with cancer prevention surgery...what a year!

2013 can only get better from here....I am looking forward to the new without doctor appointments, surgeries, and all that comes with that stuff!

Eat, pray, walk! Shelley xoxo

Monday, November 12, 2012

One more surgery....then "home free"

One day at a time.....I am starting to get more surgery....

In order for me to continue hormone therapy to further reduce recurrence, I must be post menopausal.  The only way to guarantee post menopause is "one more surgery".....thank goodness it will be laprascopic. Although I was hoping this would occur in 1-2  year's time, it is recommended that this happen as soon as possible.  So I am to expect a call from the General Hospital in the near future to book for Dec/Jan. Yikes!  Just when I was hoping to start focusing on returning to work....This surgery is to allow for alternative hormone therapy due to my clotting issues.

Although the physio sessions have been really positive and scar tissue movement and arm swelling have really improved, my greatest frustration continues to be lack of energy!  For example, a good day consists of exercising, vacuuming/floors, laundry and supper with no napping OR exercising and grocery shopping.  Grocery shopping almost does me in for the day...this is crazy! I am soooo not used to this pace! After one or two of these days in a row, it's like I take a step backwards and struggle to complete one task in a day and I need to sleep...there is no gas left in the tank....not even fumes. Hahaha!  I can't believe I call a "good day" one that includes house work!! Times have most definitely changed! Similarly,  Patience is a virtue  - one that I continue to learn and pray for on a daily basis. On a positive note, the Reiki healings from my brother Trent have been awesome and energy levels are remarkably higher! I am now able to self-reiki on a "good" day and it feels GREAT!

Well, I hope to be "home free" after this next surgery.....well, almost home free.....reconstruction is still a ways away and I welcome that surgery with open arms!


Love to all, Shelley

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 Weeks Post Chemo

Wow!  Where did the month go?? I have been busy but I really haven't accomplished a whole heck of a lot!

Every week there are two physio appointments....that and daily walks with a nap and the daily exercises for mobility, hand therapy and lymphedema pretty much take care of the day.....The odd load of laundry, vacuum and dusting are mixed in there too.

This past week there was more frustration than anything.....I need to find some more patience.  Initially my thought was "survive chemo - the rest is easy".  However, after 4 weeks of no chemo, I still struggle with energy, no eyebrows and no eye lashes.  Yup! They all fell off!! And I lost a couple of toe nails to boot!! These are all side effects of chemo and mentally I was prepared for this DURING has been a bit of a blow to have this happen one month AFTER treatment. At physio, the gals there tell me this is normal and I 'm not losing my chemo aches and pains are very common. The good thing is that I didn't have to do much for Halloween this year....there was a strong resemblance to Uncle Fester this year.  Remember him from the Addams Family? HAHAHA!Yes, things could be worse but really.....after 4 weeks?? I am really trying to stay positive here!

I am also please to report that I havent' craved a steak or hot dog since chemo ended! LOL!! Chicken is in!

The Sunday Leader Post had some great articles on Breast Cancer Survivors called Battle Scars  It puts into words what I cannot. 

Also, I finally located Jeff's picture on Bob's phone.....thanks for thinking of me!! xoxo
Run for the Cure 2012 - Kelowna BC
Stay safe as the weather is trying to decide what to do!  Shelley

Monday, October 29, 2012

Port no More!

This past Friday, I had the pleasure of having my port removed.  If you recall a port is used to administer chemo therapy.  My purple port was the absolute best thing ever....although I didn't feel that way when it was inserted!  It saved my arm from many chemo pokes (16 in total). So I took my beloved port it is :D  Needless to say I laid low this weekend with my old BFF "ice pack". 
Port-a-Cath removed
October 26 2012

Now that the weather has stabilized somewhat, the aches and pains have subdued.  I can once again open jars, etc with my right hand but fine motor stuff is something I still have to work on.  My nails are coming back nicely too - they are not chipping and splitting every time I touch something.  However, I lost all my eye lashes!! *&(&!!! Like really!!  Oh well, I am hopeful that these too will grow in longer and thicker than before!  So although I feel like I am getting better, I also feel that I look more like a cancer patient than ever before...ironic, isn't it?!

Today I will try yoga at the Bodi Tree as there is a special class for breast cancer survivors....I hope that I stretch well :)  Regina has lots to offer  - we are truly lucky to have such great resources.

Here's to an awesome week!  S xo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finding a New Normal

Well, it's been three weeks without chemo and ten days on Tamoxifen.... and I can honestly say I don't miss chemo one nano-bit! However, it has been interesting none-the-less.

The aches and stiffness resulting from our current weather change from cool to colder; rain to snow; sunny to cloudy is making me think that I am...  A) Losing my mind; B) Completely arthritic; C) Adapting to the new normal.  YOWZEER! What ever it is I hope it passes soon!  Actually, the wonderful physio ladies told me muscle stiffness and soreness is common after I may not be losing my mind after least not yet! My greatest anxiety is blood clots in my legs....however, the aches I feel are thankfully not the same as when I actually did have blood clots way back in March. Apparently the "new normal" is learning to live with sore muscles and to keep, not all is bad!

My hair continues to be baby-fine, grey with a hint of black.  Hahaha! I accidentally scratched off my eye brow.....totally forgot those were still hanging on by  a thread! LOL!! Thank goodness for makeup!! I am not brave enough yet to post a picture "au naturel" .....I have them for private viewing only :)

Time to get on the treadmill and loosen up these legs, arms, back, .....

Cheers! Shelley

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Complicated but Doable

We had my post-chemo medical review yesterday and all is well.  It's complicated but doable.  This next phase, basically the rest of my life, will be dedicated to eliminating cancer occurrence.  The next five years will involve hormone therapy.

Just to recap my diagnosis, the breast cancer I have is Estrogen and Progesterone positive AND I have Factor V which means I am high risk for blood clots.

So why Hormone Therapy? According to the National Cancer Institute
    • The hormones estrogen and progesterone can stimulate the growth of some breast cancers. Hormone therapy is used to stop or slow the growth of these tumors.
    • Hormone therapy is used to treat both early and advanced breast cancer, and to prevent breast cancer in women who are at high risk of developing the disease. (October 16, 2012)
Three options were presented to us...

#1 Tamoxifen for 5 years with Fragmin (blood thinner)

INVOLVES: daily oral pill of Tamoxifen and daily injections of Fragmin
PROS: Very successful with early stage breast cancer; promote bone density; used to treat pre-menopausal women
SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects are hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness (National Cancer Institute, 2012).  Other less common include risk of blood clots in the legs and lungs, stroke, cataracts, uterine cancer, mood swings and depression.
CONCERNS: Risk of blood clots

#2 Ovary Removal, Letrozole for 5 years with Warfarin (blood thinner)

INVOLVES: Immediate surgery for ovary removal; daily oral pill of Letrozole and Warfarin
PROS: No daily needles; easier to administer; More options for post-menopausal hormone therapy where there is no risk of blood clotting
SIDE EFFECTS: Immediate post menopausal side effects. Other side effects include risk of heart attack, angina, heart failure, and hypercholesterolemia, bone loss,  joint pain  and mood swings and depression (National Cancer Institute, 2012).
CONCERNS: Early onset of Osteoporosis; family heart health history; immediate gynoncologist referral and surgery to maximize benefits of treatment

#3 Combined Therapy - Tamoxifen for 2 years, Ovary Removal & Letrozole for 3 years

INVOLVES: All of the above
PROS: Reduces major concerns as per above; Provides time to schedule and meet with gynoncologist/surgery
SIDE EFFECTS: As per above
CONCERNS: per above... however, this will be dependant on how well I tolerate the drugs.  If I can tolerate Tamoxifen, then the plan is as per above.  If I begin to develop blood clots and abnormalities in my blood then Option 2 will become more immediate (Dr. Kakamanu, 15 October 2012).

So #3 it is for now ~ I started Tamoxifen yesterday and blood work will be in one month's time unless other symptoms arise. I will apologize now for any mood swings I may have, fangs that may appears and other hormonal tendencies that may arise :) Remember this is least until I find and adapt to this "new normal" poor family....

This combined therapy approach of mastectomy, chemo and hormone therapy will give me the best chance at a long and healthy life.  Recurrence is reduced to less than 10%.   Perhaps someday, recurrence will be 0%.    However, today, this is the best news for a long healthy life.

So my focus now is to get stronger! Exercise, rest well (OK, as well as the night sweats will allow) and healthy eating will be key! Healthy eating will need some work because I need to avoid excess phytoestrogens such as flax seed, soy, licorice, red raspberry, primrose,  etc to name a few.....the list is long.  There is lots to learn! Physio therapy continues to be twice a week....Lymphodema is still Stage 1 but getting better - I can feel improvements in my arm and side.  My scar tissues are beginning to move as well...this is good news!

Recovery is good...the mantra still holds....Eat, Pray & Walk/Exercise!

Cheers!! Shelley

Sunday, October 14, 2012

2 Weeks Post Chemo

It's hard to believe two weeks have past since my last chemo treatment! Wow!  I am not sure where or what I did during that time.  I do know I sure slept a lot!  I was back sleeping every afternoon for 1-2 hours and crashing after supper then going to was like I gave my body permission to be tired....the chemo adrenalin rush was no longer need - sleep was needed!

Physio is going really well and my lymphodema is still stage one but improving.  My range of motion is coming along nicely too.  They are busy working on "unsticking" the scar tissue from my ribs and back....sounds painful?!?  Just a bit but they tell me it will get better!

So tomorrow I meet with Dr. Kakamanu to find out what is in store for me and what the next plan is.

Happy Monday! Shelley xo

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oh Happy Day!


When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.    - Unknown

Today was a great day!  Nothing could change that!  Bob took me to the hospital this morning at 9:30 before he headed out on the road to scout.  The girls were there shortly after 10:00 am just as I was heading in to Benedryl-induced coma :)  At exactly 11:31 am, it was over and I was walking....ok, almost running out of there! It was an awesome a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing that we survived 16 chemo sessions over the past 5 months! Wow! So we had a mini-lunch celebration at Earl's is good! The chemo staff are incredible!So are the volunteers!

 Next blog update will be October 15, 2012 after my medical review.  I have a couple of weeks to recover and regroup before I find out what my next phase is....regardless, today is an "oh happy day!" 

Love to all, Shelley xoxo

P.S. Here are today's highlights.....

My Life & Inspiration
Alana pressed the button for the
LAST chemo session Oct 2, 2012
Atearful yet happy exit
Alycia & Mikayla cheering me on!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Run for a Cure

Thank you to all who participated in the CIBC Run for a Cure today! 
* Kathy & Jeff in Kelowna
* Shelby in Regina
* Flo in the shirts!
....& all our family and friends who donated to this cause! xoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Week 11 of 12 is drawing to a close... :D   Nothing really new to report other than the joint and muscle cramps have arrived.  I am so thankful that this is near the end of my treatment.  So to help combat these aches/pains I am drinking milk....this may seem like a small deal to you but I usually gag at milk unless it is mixed with a bit of coke, Kahlua and vodka! Milk and calcium/magnesium supplements will hopefully carry me through this next week. I am still walking although my time isn't as great as it was but that is OK....I am only competing with myself (& Bob!)
I am so excited for Tuesday to arrive!  This will be the last chemo treatment for this journey and hopefully the last chemo treatment for life! WAAHOO!!! You may be able to hear me cheer as I leave the hospital that day!
Tonight I ate a big juicy steak in anticipation of blood work tomorrow.  I may knock those platelets numbers off the chart! Hahaha!
Happy Monday to all!  Shelley xoxox

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Today is 11 of 12

WAAAAAHOOO!!  11 of 12 is today!  The light is getting brighter!

The deep soft tissue massage from Alyssa at the Cancer Clinic has left me sore today....perhaps more tender than sore.  I am looking forward to feeling the new normal...

Happy Tuesday! Shelley

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A few things....


This past week I would like to thank a few people.....
  • First of my husband Bob - wow!  I am excited for his return today....he has been gone almost 10 days now....all the little (& big) things that he has done for me these past 6 months are incredible! xoxox
  • To Pam H....thanks for taking me to chemo this past Tuesday! I can't quite remember it all....lunch included as those drugs put me in a daze like no other!  Lol!!  And to all who offered to take me to chemo, thank you too! Its nice to have friends to call on.
  • Deb B...what a great visit this weekend!  Thanks!
  • Rita & Jim......the Saskatoon Berry pie was delicious! I could actually taste it!
  • The helpful staff at Elizabeth's Lingerie who help me literally jump into Spanx while laughing do you ladies wear these things?? Lol!!
After almost 5 months of waiting, I finally had a physio assessment at the Cancer Clinic.....waahoo! So what do I know.....
  • Physio sessions are covered by health care
  • I am Stage 1 Lymphedema (thanks Jane and Sylvia for keeping this under control while I waited to get into see Tracy)
  • For the next while, I will go twice a week to work on scar tissue and mobility in preparation of reconstruction and lymphedema management
  • Wow! Tracy, the physio therapist is very knowledgeable! Just imagine if I (and all other patients) could get into see her sooner....some of my current issues would be non-existent!  Yet I have been going to physio and massage to keep things manageable too!  If I didn't have access to private services who knows where I would be.....
  • Spanx can help the fluid build up in the torso area....this slight compression will help the fluid move and take pressure off the lower back
Only two more chemo sessions left!! I can hardly believe this chapter will soon be closed! 

Happy Sunday - Eat, Pray & Walk! Shelley xoxo

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Good, Bad & Ugly


This past week was a good one for the most part! Here's a recap:

The Good:
  • Finished round 9 of 12.....10 is on Tuesday
  • Took Bob to the airport....his scout season has begun (more on this later)
  • Mom and Dad came to visit for the weekend - perogies, cabbage rolls, pickles and relish....outstanding!!
  • Kids are all in school
  • Weather continues to be wonderful
  • My wig keeps my head warm on cool days
  • My sister-friend Donna is recovering well from surgery - yay!
The Bad:
  • My hand knuckles are really stiff....I wonder if they increased the chemo dosage or if this is an accumulative side effect
  • Allergies continue to keep me stuffed up
  • I seem to be "puffier"....another side effect???
The Ugly:
  • OK, those wind really?!? All the two-sided tape in the world can't keep a wig one!!  LOL!!!  I have to wear a hat on "lock"
  • is everywhere! No wonder I am stuffed up!!! I dusted on Thursday (before mom and dad came); Mom dusted on Friday and today Sunday, I could write my name on furniture!!
  • NHL one wins! .....however, if Bob's trip was cancelled again this week, I would have paid for the flight myself :D.....just joking....well, sort of.... All hormones aside, I am thrilled for him to be back at work and he is really excited to be back too.
Today at church a phrase really stuck with me...."we all have crosses to bear; for some, other's crosses grow into the tree of life."  Although I do not wish "crosses" in any one's life, it is through reading, seeing, experiencing how other people bear their cross, that I find strength in myself to keep fighting for what is important in life...these crosses become my tree of life....For that I am thankful!

Eat, pray, walk!  Shelley xoxox

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9 of 12 Complete

Hello to all!

Yesterday's chemo session was thankfully uneventful!  The most difficulty I have is the blood return into the syringe at the start and end of the session.  So it involves me waving my arms in the air, to the side, arm curls, laying down,standing up, coughing, sitting forward....we now call it the chemo dance!  Some of the older patients find it rather humorous so I have to add in the odd jig or two for them :)

Doc added an extra pill of anti nausea/steroid to the regime this week to accommodate the 1200 mg of Calcium and 200 mg of Magnesium that I now take with 1000 mg of Vitamin D and B.  Here is something that I did not know about vitamins that I will share with you.....the body can typically absorb only 600 mg of Calcium at a time along side half of the required Magnesium...therefore it is best to take half in the morning and half at night.  The body uses the calcium primary during the night to build bones, reduces bone and muscle cramping and it helps you sleep.

Here are a few interesting sites on vitamins that I found helpful:
Livestrong - How to take Calcium and Magnesium
Livestrong - When to take Vitamins at the Beginning or End of the Day?
Natural News - Learn the Best Time of Day to take Vitamins

Note: Because I am taking chemo and have 5 years of other estrogen blocking meds to take the 1200 - 200 mg calcium:magnesium ratio is not recommended as per the web sites. As always, please don't take my word on this as I am no medical expert but discuss this with your doctor. 

Well, three more chemo rounds left...the light is shining a bit brighter today although I am tired!  I usually don't sleep very well the first couple of nights after chemo.  So I researched vitamins....  Next medical review is scheduled for October 15th. This is when I will find out what the next steps are in this crazy journey.  I do know that the Oncology team will be meeting again to review my case, there is comfort in that!

Eat, pray & walk!  Shelley xoxo

Monday, September 10, 2012

#9 is a Go!

Blood work is good and number 9 of 12 will happen! 

Shelley xo

Sunday, September 9, 2012

QCM & Skate4Life...Oh! What a feeling!


And they're off...
Finished 2012
Today I experienced the excitement of the Queen City Marathon finish line - WOW! What a feeling to see all these people running to meet their personal goals.  It was a proud moment to see Alycia finish her first half marathon along with her friend Chelsea. Awesome!

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting the Skate4Life team of Pierre St. Germaine and Ashley Gilbank.  This husband and wife team are rollerblading across Canada to raise awareness and end the stigma of suicide.  To see where they have skated and where they are going or make a donation to their cause  you can check out their Facebook site OR web site. What a commitment  - what a great cause!

Monday I have my weekly blood check followed by a medical review....I sure hope all is well as seasonal allergies have got the best of me this week and unfortunately I cannot take any over-the-counter meds at this time.  Last week's acupuncture around the sinus was outstanding and cleared things up for a bit.  I also tried peppermint essential oil on a toothpick - ok, now that is amazing too!  So hopefully between oil and needles my sinuses will settle down.  I only have 4 more weekly treatments....its been 5 months now.  One would think that all things "bad" would be zapped from my body with the amount of chemo I have received :)

Eat, pray & walk! Here's to a great week! Shelley xoxo

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Power of Prayer & Love

Today one of my best friends underwent ovarian cancer surgery.....and it went well with no surprises or additional areas of concern!  What a relief!!   Her two kids made an appeal on Facebook for was overwhelming to see the number of "likes" and prayers offered for her today.

This all to familiar scenario was and is a part of my family too.  These past 6 months seem surreal at has been the power of prayer and faith in my family that has kept things going - positive attitude, love, and support.....this prayer is interdenominational and it is powerful!

Thank you again and again for all your love, support and prayers...not only for me and my family but for all!  We can....with Love!

Amen! Shelley

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ready for 8!

Greetings all!

It has been a busy couple of weeks with visitors, football and school start up!

All is well on the chemo front and I am truly fortunate be able to write that!  It seems as though I am stuck in "ground hog day"'s the same old same old :)  Don't mean to complain though!  I have to say I am jealous of Bob, Aly, Mik and Rob as they are able to get back into routine and are very excited to do so....some days they are just too excited and my raging hormones bring on serial killer tenancies! Ok, not really but......ask them!  Hahhaha!

Highlights of the past two weeks:
  • Blood work is really good - it must be all that red meat I have been craving
  • Reconnecting with my BFFs in Brandon - Donna, Terry, Jackie, Ing, good to hug you and visit!! xoxo
  • Awesome visit with the Lawsons from Kelowna
  • Visit with my Ministry friends - it won't be long before I am back! I miss you guys!
  • Our summer son, Brayden, was here for a couple of days
  • Weather and fishing have been awesome
  • Walking has been great
  • Receiving emails and calls from family and friends :)
Challenges of the past two weeks:
  • Sleep continues to be a desired state for me
  • Food is tasting two favorites chicken and fish like #$%@#$!  
  • My family thinks I am losing my mind....hahaha! Must be those has been a challenge to remember simple things these days....
  • Big toes are starting to cramp....looking forward to acupuncture this week :)
Today marks number 8 of 12....waahoo!! I can do this!!  We can do this!!!  Thanks for all you love and support - it sure helps!!

Have an awesome day! Shelley

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

6 of 12 Complete!


I am half way done this second phase of chemo.  Today's session last 2 hours and 15 minutes.  I also learned that I am receiving 3 rounds of Taxol in a dense dose state meaning that Day 1, 8, 15 and 21of the rotation equals one round....hence every week for 12 weeks.

Week 5 was uneventful really - just more of week four.  Other highlights include:
  • Lunch with Cheryl (thanks so much - good luck with school start up ;-))
  • Fishing at Rowan's Ravine
  • Visiting, eating and listening to Nick Faye at Pasqua Lake (thanks Leanne & Brian for being awesome hosts and to Grandma Marg for SUPER cooking - love the perogies! Missing my mom!) Nick is an up and coming musician....Check out his music at the link above or here
  • Eat, pray & walk - we are walking 4.2 miles every day....some days that is all I get done but it is worth it! Bob continues to be my inspiration!  My hunger is all day every day....wish I could taste more of what I am eating.
  • Handling Taxol  - so far so good...tired and a bit achy in my back
  • Physio, acupuncture and lymph massage....soooooooo relaxing and sooooooo helpful
  • Blood works continues to be strong - platelets are holding
We would like to wish all our Regina Catholic School  CEC and teacher friends a successful CLASS this week and a great school year start up.

To my Ministry crew,  I have not abandoned you.....I will be in soon :) Miss you all!  .....Talented Amanda McKay is an artist extraordinaire in my opinion....check out her work online! On page 8 of her photo book, there is a painting that she gave me  "We Can with Love"- absolutely beautiful!

Love to all, Shelley & Bob

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Round 5 Complete!

Hello Friends!

Today I completed round 5 of 12....I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!  :D  Mikayla drove and sat through my session this week.  Alycia was my gal last week - XOXO to you both!  It gave Bob a bit of a break although he had scout reports to complete last week and today he cleaned the house and made supper! XOXO to Bob too!  So where is Rob you may ask....good question!  Actually he was on airport chauffeur duty last week and today he was out with a migraine..XOXO Rob just because.....

Spent about 2 1/2 hours at the Pasqua Hospital and slept for about an hour while there.  Our sister in-law Terrilynn came by for a visit which was great for Mik - it helped pass the time!  Thanks TL! 

Tonight friends Vaughn, Marjorie and Wil stopped in for supper on their way through Regina.  What a great visit! Marjorie is a BC survivor and a wealth of information! Thanks for your sense of humor and spunk! Safe travels back home - XOXO!

Today also marks my mom's birthday - she's 55 again!  Happy happy birthday to a wonderful and trusting friend, an extraordinaire cook and SUPER mom!  XOXOXOXOXO

Hmmmm,....I noticed there are LOTS of XOXO in tonight's post...perhaps that is the drugs talking/typing!  HAHAHA!  I am feeling the love I guess :)

Highlights of Round 4......
  • Round 4 is complete!
  • Red meat is tasting crazy good!
  • Went to Emma Lake for a few days! (Thanks Karen & Rich for being great hosts!)
  • Visited with my parents, Bob's mom, Maureen and family, Cor, Melissa & Eric, Pooner & Deb, and other great lake friends
  • Saw my cousin Brenda and her daughter and grand kids....haven't seen her in forever!! That was awesome!
  • Met new friends from Carlyle - Dusty & Cheryl...they are not scared of the camp fire stories!!
  • No new side effects from Taxol!
  • Sampled chocolate wine! MMM mmm good!  Although not as good at Peter's homemade chocolate port...Hint! Hint!
  • Trent's birthday
  • Eat, Pray & Walk daily
  • 10 week Canada Cancer Chat Online group ended
Challenges of Round 4....
  • I have never experienced before.
  • Heat.... knocked the crap out of me.
  • Hunger....I can pound a bag of chips and dip OR a steak in record breaking time...this is crazy!
  • Hair...the stubble on my head is now grey/white and falling out.  I can count the eye brow hairs left...they are sparse....still shaving my legs! LOL!  Crazy!
  • Feel good week/days....are gone.  There are feel good moments that I will embrace.
  • Night sweats....are now evening and night sweats....Crazy!
  • Remembering to participate in the Online Canada Cancer Chat Research Group :)

Have a wonderful week everyone! Shelley & Bob

Monday, August 6, 2012

Ode to Round 4 of 12 :)

Here we go! Ready or not!
Round 4 of 12 I will not stop!
These pesky night sweats may keep me hot
Bring it on! Ready or not!

...yeah, I was never an advanced ELA student and yeah, this isn't an "ode"....I am holding my own with Taxol so far.  Woot! Woot!

Bob is in Toronto watching Team Canada U18 tryouts ( I think I got that right!) and will be home tomorrow.  Kids are busy working.

Thanks to Patricia for visiting us this weekend... cleaning lawn furniture cushions, baking and friendship is  simply awesome! xoxo

Enjoy the great weather! Shelley & Bob xoxo

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Round 3 of 12 today


Today marks round 3 of 12...1/4 week will be 1/3 complete.  I have resorted to math versus Snoopy's Work Week Calendar because I seem to be stuck on Week 2.  You see, the thing with these weekly rounds is that there really is no chance to get energy back therefore there is no Week 3...the week that made me feel almost normal...the week where I would jam pack lunches, visits, shopping, house work and all other things normal. But not all is bad.....really!

Things I have noticed with weekly Taxol....
  • Multitasking is no longer a part of my daily activities...  LOL! A huge accomplishment these days is putting the correct ingredients into the bread maker and hoping the phone doesn't ring!
  • When I am tired...I am tired.  That is all.  A nap is required.
  • Night Sweats....what the heck!! have NO idea how lucky you are!! These things wake me up consistently between 3:30 - 6:30 wonder I am tired!
  • Taste.....some days I can taste...yesterday, I had no clue what my food tasted like!
  • Red meat.....I am craving red meat.  I actually ate 2 steaks in the past two weeks!  I can't recall ever eating a steak by more leftovers here!
  • Hair...the little bit of stubble on my head is disappearing!  HOWEVER, I did shave my legs AGAIN this past week....@#$@#*(!!
On the positive side.....THANKFULLY, I am not the vomiting, nauseated kind of feeling.  For that I am thankful!  I am just more tired and foggy.

Here's to being 1/4 of the way done! Cheers to all!  Shelley & Bob

Monday, July 23, 2012

Week 1 of 12 in Review

Tomorrow is week 2 of 12....this can't go fast enough!! Today is blood work :)

In reflecting on the week, Friday and Saturday were days where it felt like I had a piano tied to me....and I broke out in hives around my ankles!  Nothing that a bit of Benedryl couldn't handle!  We walked every day (except Sunday)...we sweat through the humidity and felt great for it!  All in all, I am very lucky!

Thank you all for your continued prayers & support! Shelley & Bob xoxox

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 1 of 12 Complete

Greetings to all!

Today's chemo session was uneventful - even successful!  We were at the Alan Blair Cancer Clinic for about 3 hours today. I slept through most of the session :)  Once Benadryl was in my system it was lights out for me....I'm such a light weight when it comes to that stuff....oh yeah, and booze.  BBB always said that was one of the reasons he married me....I had a 2 drink limit and he always had a ride home!  (I don't know what happened after those university days!)

There are no follow up steroids or anti nausea meds to take with Taxol. So here's hoping all will be good.  There are only 6 days "rest" before the next session. For those of you interested on what Taxol is and side effects, here is a link from the Canadian Cancer Society and the Mayo Clinic.  From what the doctors have told me the most common side effect of this treatment is the numbing of the hands and feet. Hopefully this will be minimal or nonexistent! 

Back on the "Eat, Pray, Walk" trail to recovery!

Cheers to all!  Shelley & Bob xoxo

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Northern Air


The past two weeks we were fortunate to have vacationed up at Emma Lake! Thanks to Karen & Rich for letting us use their cabin while they were away! It was fun-filled with family and friends....and lots of fish!

A few highlights of the trip include:
    July 7 = 22 years
  • Celebrating our 22nd anniversary - wow! Where did the time go? As Aunt Eunice said, Bob hit a home run when he stepped up to the plate during this cancer journey!  I think I hit a home run when I said " I do!" In a RARE photo op, Aly managed to capture a PDA :)  Happy Anniversary!

Mom, Bob & Deb (aka Mrs. Pooner)

  •  Celebrating Rider Pride with family and friends.....having a fish fry and loads of fun! ....and the Riders won!  Wahoo!!
  • Fishing, fishing & more fishing.....

Pickeral in Emma Lake

Dad with morning catch!

Hot summer days!

Chilling with Babes!

Pooner prepping for the ride home :)

It was a great 2 it's time to begin Phase 2 of chemo...Taxol every week for 12 weeks.  Bring it on!  We are ready!

Hope summer is treating everyone super!  Love, Shelley & Bob

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Halfway Mark :)

Greetings to all!

June 26 2012 Ready for Round 4
Yesterday marked the halfway point in this rigorous chemotherapy treatment plan.  It is the last of the AC chemo treatment.  In three weeks I will start the weekly Taxol therapy sessions.

Mikayla took a quick picture of us just before Bob and I left for the hospital....this is my "Jenny" look.  The session was uneventful and we were out of there in 2 1/2 hours - best time yet!!  Slept went well last night and so far today things feel ok.  Bob and I are about to take Zoe for a walk while I still have the energy for the day.  Usually during Week 1 a walk will put me on my back for a bit BUT it is so worth it to get the exercise in!  I haven't had a headache yet this morning so that is good news.  Doc altered my meds a bit, to hopefully help with that.  He also prescribed some mouth meds that will keep the swelling I have had in Week 2 away.....wouldn't that be great?!  My appetite is still really healthy...perhaps too much so ;) I feel as though I need to walk double time for what I have managed to scarf down!!  Luckily my in-house trainer and cheerleader extraordinaire Bob is keeping me on track!

June 26 2012 by Rosalie Synk
Yesterday Regina was on severe weather watch and the clouds and sky were loaded with entertainment.  Not as severe as some of our neighbouring communities though. Prince Albert was without power all night and day! Here is a photo of the Regina sky that my good friend Rosalie S is really cool!! The clouds are called Mammatus clouds.

We hope to take advantage of the nice weather and the next two weeks of chemo recovery before the weekly rounds starts by going fishing, biking and visiting family.


To all our friends and family,
Enjoy the weather rain or shine ('s not -40 out...yet)
Enjoy your family and friends.
Take lots of pictures and create lots of memories!
Happy Summer!

Lots of love,  Shelley & Bob

p.s.  Thanks to Allison for taking care of the guys in Pittsburgh! :)   They made it home safely!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Solstice

Welcome summer! It's so nice to see the blue sky again!  Everyone just seems happier when the sun is shining!

Not much new here to report.  Chemo #4 and last AC is scheduled for the 26th if all blood works is good.  Blood work and oncology appointment is booked for the 25th.  These past few days have been rather good ones - no head aches, body aches, swollen mouth, etc so I must be ready to go again!  After this chemo, I will start the weekly Taxol chemo sessions for 12 weeks.  These are lower dose to (hopefully) minimize side effects.

What is amazing is I still have hair stubble on my head and on my legs!  Yes!  The warm weather forces me to look closely at the legs and YES I still have to shave them! Hahaha!  Go figure - no hair in other areas (, Jim, I am not naming the areas)...let's just say we are saving money this summer :-D

Bob is in Pittsburgh for the draft...he may have another TV appearance with Ottawa.  I wonder if he will be hugging people (in excitement of course) for national TV....again!  LOL!!  It is good for him to get away from me and my serial killer tendencies once in a while...(Darn hormones!!)

Mikayla and Rob are wrapping up high school finals and Alycia is busy working.  Mom and dad are here for a few days too.  So things continue to be busy around here!

All three kids will be working in Regina this summer.  We hope to get out fishing around here since it is nice and close to home.  Bob and Rob went out last week and caught a couple of nice pickerel for supper!  Now that is a great way to kick off summer!!

Now that summer is officially here - ENJOY every minute of it!  We wait all winter for this!

Lots of love, Shelley

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Image from Microsoft Free Clip Art June 2012
Last night was Mikayla's music 20 final at the high school.  Every student is required to perform a song, musical piece, solo or group under the direction of Mr. Hicks. We had no idea what she was doing other than she was "doing" something twice on stage.  Needless to say within seconds of her introducing a "song she wrote for her mom", Bob, Alycia and I were tearing up.  The song she wrote is called "Something Tells Me You'll Be Alright".  The uTube upload is a bit shakey and the camera had to be handed off to Kashtin because we were a mess (a good mess) - proud, honoured and PROUD!  Here is the link to her performance as capture on the iPhone
Something Tells Me You'll Be Alright - lyrics written & performed by Mikayla Lowes; accompanied by Ross

Monday, June 11, 2012

Round 3 - Week 1

Well, I would be lying if I said this round was a walk in the park!  However, I still consider myself lucky with the side effects.  This past week head aches and fatigue seemed to get the best of me.  Thank goodness for Tylenol...( I could do a commercial :) 

Bob & I walked every morning this past week but the afternoons and evenings had me flat on my back. Mornings are great for walks on week 1 because I am jacked up on steriods and it feels like the energy is overflowing! But that is where these darn drugs play mind and body games!  Fatique sets in like no other!After an hour (sometimes more) of napping I would be fine for another hour or so before the head ache came back. It is a bit frustrating sometimes...I think I should be able to do "something" and it takes a bit too much effort.  I did manage to make suchi and fresh rolls on Saturday although I forgot some ingredients (not that anyone noticed - hahaha)!  Yes, I's not about cooking for's time for me to do my job, take my medical lumps and get better....hahahah!  That is SOOOO much easier said than done!! I am working on it! The way I look at it is, if I feel good enough to cook, bake, or whatever - then do it!  This stuff isn't getting easier so there will be times where Bob and the kids will just have to "do"....ok, there are already times like this if truth be told.

On another note, the garden is growing!  Fresh spinach, lettuce and onions are on the way.....and hopefully a few carrots to boot!! 

Today ends week 1 of round 3 - I am thankful that I feel like I have turned another chemo corner to recovery!

Lots of love, Shelley

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Round 3 - DONE!

There was a bit of delay in getting started this time due to the port-a-cath having a clot at the end of the line.  If you recall, the Port-a-cath is a little device insert in my upper chest/neck area when the IV for chemo is administered.  Having one of these things eliminates the need for a pik or IV. So the nurse pulled out the "medical" Drano to unclogged it and in no time we were away to the chemo races!  By the time all this was worked out I was developing a headache - Tylenol is becoming my new BFF too.  We were home by 5 in time to eat left over pizza and a "green" smoothie from the kids as they dashed to work and homework...ok, PlayStation (...Rob).  Then I crashed on the couch for a couple of hours before I went to bed. 

A word on sleep....Sleep is a beautiful thing! However, I am not sure if the fatigue is due to the afternoon at the Cancer Clinic, the reaction to the drugs, or having Reid P. tell endless stories to Bob and I OR all of the above.  Just joking Reid - we love your stories even though I fell asleep during a few of them :-D  Thanks for helping the time pass! xo

For the next couple of days I will be jacked up on steroids....then the crash comes for a couples of days after that.  At least that seems to be the trend!  I need to drink water and more water to counteract the water retention from the steroids....thank goodness I love water but I had to resort to adding lime or lemon wedge to change up the flavor.  Another thing I noticed is water tastes like tin out of my metal water contain so it is back to plastics for now.  That little change changed the flavor back to tolerable.

At the end of the day yesterday I did let out a big "waahoo" - round 3 is done!  Bring it on!

Lots of love, Shelley

P.S. BBB took Rob for his license road test this morning - SUCCESS!  This is your warning....all 3 Lowes kids are now on the road!  Way to go Rob! xo

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pink = Hope

PINK is Hope.
Pink comes in all shapes and sizes.
Pink is fun!

Our good friends out east, the Murphy's reminded us of the power of PINK.  Bob and I weren't brave enough to model these for the blog - lol!!  Not a pretty sight by any means!!

Round 3 of AC is this Tuesday.  Tomorrow is the blood work and oncologist check-in to make sure all is well.  This past week has been fairly good and I feel ready for Tuesday. Bob and the kids continue to cheer lead me through the days/weeks as do all of you.  I hope this round will have minimal side effects too even though I know these side effects are cumulative.

Prince Albert 2012
Thank you to all our family and friends who particiapted and/or donated to the many Cancer Relay for Life throughout the province.  My sister Karen sent me this picture on Friday night. Thank you!

May this post find you all well! Have an awesome Monday!

Lots of love, Shelley & Bob

P.S. Please keep our dear friends the Hamm's in your prayers as they too begin their cancer journey. xoxo

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How the AC cycle works for us....

Many of our friends and family wonder how we are coping with the treatments.  The best comparison we can make is with the infamous Snoopy Work Week found on  (I couldn't find anything about copyright and uses on this site but I did link to the source).

 Sunday = the day/week before chemo
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday = first week after treatment; we noticed this last round was a bit tougher than the first one
Thursday = Week 2 after treatment
Friday, Saturday = Week 3 after treatment; time to psych up for the next round

Next week is round 3 of the AC regime - waahoo! We are anxious to get this stuff over with! Because this is week 3, there are lots of things we hope to get done this week....if the rain stops long enough!  We are planting a small garden and need to get those bedding plants in. There is always "stuff" to do" seems that some days it just takes a bit longer to get it done.

Hope this finds everyone well!  Enjoy the sunshine! Shelley & Bob

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cancer Awareness

Thank you to all our friends and family who are running in this year's Relay for Life on June 8, 2012 here in Regina and around the is very humbling to receive your emails and calls about your energy to participate as the result of my determination to kick cancer's butt! To Trish W. and her girls in Macklin, SK....way to organize an awareness event! Simply inspiring - thanks! To Eric, Mallory, Deb and Carla and many many others - good luck at the relay!

A dear friend and breast friend, Colleen K. just sent me a very simple heartfelt prayer from the World Cancer Day celebrations:
Dear God, I pray for a cure for cancer. Amen

Please keep finding a cure for ALL cancer in your heart and prayers.

Love to all, Shelley

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Home Sweet Home

We survived the long weekend at the lake and are happy to have ventured out and back home safely!  It was a welcomed break with family and lake friends for us all!  We love the northern air!

Framework completed Sunday

Laying boards on Monday

Bob, Rob, Dad, Rich, Pooner, and and Karen too....worked hard on the weekend framing the dance floor, I mean, deck!  There will be one heck of a party on that deck summer 2013 when all this chemo is out of the way!  I may start training now!  Lots of laughs were had by all! I felt fairly good for the most part although I feel as though I slept away most of Saturday and Sunday.

It's back to routine here in Regina - hopefully will get my plants and "small" garden in sometime this week.  Today will be a day of rest (i.e. more than usually) to recover from the weekend!  We are so happy to have made it up there! 

A couple of traveling tips from "breast" friends were:
  • Keep peppermints at all times as sucking on these can help with nausea (& they did)
  • Keep crackers close by too ; nothing like a good ol' soda cracker
  • Keep anti-nausea
  • Keep when your body tells you matter who is over to visit
We are thankful for the safe travels of our family and friends to and from the holiday weekend destinations...  Not every family is so lucky...may God bless and console the Darchuk family from Prince Albert.  Please say an extra prayer for them.

Have a wonderful week....remember it's a short work week - WAAHOO!!!  (I still like to celebrate those....and Fridays)!

Love to all, Shelley

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Round 2 - DONE!

Waahoo! Round 2 is done! It was way easier mentally than that first one....and my rock, Bob was with me. So far I am feeling OK just the usual fatigue.  After having tea with Lynnell this morning, we had a laugh at the fact I usually fall asleep mid-sentence in the evening...OK, maybe late evening regardless of what is going on around me.  Now I just fall asleep mid-day :)

Bob the Barber

Bob added a new job to his ever growing resume...Bob the Barber!  He so graciously helped me take my already short hair down to the wood. This was a welcomed and timely haircut.  I gained a few nicknames over this as well....."Shelley O'Patches" and "Wiggy"  All in fun! One has to keep a sense of humour!

We are traveling to Emma Lake this weekend to visit the family and are looking forward to that!  I can sleep (almost) anywhere so long as I have all my drugs and hats and such.  Hopefully the weather cooperates so the deck can get built.

Wishing you all a safe and relaxing long weekend!  Love, Shelley

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ready for Round 2

Past the blood tests today so I am ready for Round 2 of chemo Tuesday afternoon. Also found out I have Factor V Heterozygous.  What is this exactly? Good question!!  This is the reason for blood clots developing post surgery; it is a gene mutation.  The Mayo Clinic defines it as  "a common inherited genetic disorder that can increase your chance of developing abnormal blood clots (thrombophilia), usually in your veins." (Mayo Clinic, 2012). Basically it means I am more likely to develop blood clots than the average person. I have been referred to University of Saskatchewan for genetic counselling...but....there is a two year waiting list - lol!! Dr. Kakumanu's solace was that I would at least be in the database.

Today we also talked about  probability and statistics of reocurance......with the combined therapies (surgery, AC and Taxol chemotherapy and Tamoxifin) there is a less than 10% chance of breast cancer reoccurrence.  Even if there is a reoccurrence, it is not a death sentence.  Basically this is good news although I personally would like to see that percent a lot lower.  The doc actually smiled when I asked him what I have to do to lower the chance of reoccurrence....he said I am doing it.

As for weight gain/loss...well, I showed a gain of 0.3 kg.  Not bad considering I was wearing those prosthesis and I am sure they weigh about 5+ pounds!!  The nurse had a laugh when I told her that! She agreed that these things are heavier than winter boots!!

Well Bob's plane should be arriving shortly from to all! Shelley

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting Ready for Round 2

Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful family, friends and "sistas"! And, Happy Birthday to Robbie - our baby is 16 today - wow! Where does the time go?

Things are going well here on the medical front actually - just in time for round 2! Physio and Lymphatic Massage have helped the fluid in my chest and stomach dissipate and the scar tissue build up is becoming more fluid and mobile. Both Jane Welsh and Sylvia Kruger are extremely knowledgeable in women's health and cancer.  We have opted to pay for these valuable services while waiting for the Cancer Clinic Lymphademia/Physio referral to go through - a 4 month minimum wait list due to cut backs.....
We are thankful for their expertise in this area!  We can't imagine the mess I would be in without this service.

Have you ever used the expression "my hair hurts" when you were sick or perhaps hung over? Well, I now know exactly how that feels!  Yup, my hair literally hurts! Although it is very short (unless I am wearing a wig) it still hurts - plain and simple.  Apparently that is normal when the hair is falling out as it is during treatment.

Bob comes home from Ottawa tomorrow evening.  He was there for team meetings in preparation for the upcoming NHL draft.  It was great for him to get to Ottawa although I have to admit I miss him!

Tomorrow is a busy day getting ready for chemo round #2 - blood work in the morning, oncologist appointment in the afternoon followed by lymphatic massage with Sylvia.  Here's hoping the blood count level is up and ready for round 2!

Love to all, Shelley