Monday, March 12, 2012

Tough Day on the Medical Front

Well, today's appointment with Dr. Souf was disappointing to say the least.  He is not happy with the lack of progress in the flaps.  He is willing to give the flaps one more week.  If significant improvement is not there, then Shel will have surgery within the week to remove the flaps. The frustrating part of all of this is Shel is so unique that she has not been in the norm with regards to medication, recovery and progress.

So the surgery will initially look at the flaps to see if there is a blood flow.  If there is blood flow then the surgery will end.  If there is no blood flow, then the flaps will be removed.  The big concern now is the delay in cancer therapy that could result if the latisimus dorsi reconstruction is performed.  So we are waiting to speak with Dr. Meiers regarding advice on this.

Best case scenario would be the flaps respond favorably this week....(keep praying!!!)  Worst case...well, there really isn't a worst case just a delayed case.  This means reconstruction would more than likely take place after chemo therapy is complete.

Tomorrow Shel has an ultrasound to rule out blood clotting in the legs.  Hopefully this will go well for her.

On the positive side of things, the final drain was removed today.  This should help with comfort and hopefully sleeping.

Keep praying folks - we appreciate all your prayers!

Take care,



  1. Sending our Love and Prayers to you all! Be strong and give each other hugs always<3

    Love The Chamryk's

  2. I guess this is the roller coaster ride of emotions that everyone refers to along this journey with cancer. My prayer of gratitude will be for the strength and support you have in each other and in all of us that surround you with our love. My prayer of request will be for a more tranquil type of ride - the merry-go-'round perhaps?

  3. HEY- reading your information and we are so thinking and sending thoughts and prayers to you. We are wishing all the best to come -You deserve that all goes the way it should... take care

  4. Not a moment goes by that I don't lift you and your family up in prayer. I am sorry for the road blocks you are isn't easy. But know so many people are with you every step of the way. Lots of love and hugs to all.
