Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No surgery date...yet

We have been holding off blogging in hopes that we would have a surgery date to post....after a few phone calls there is nothing yet!  BBB previously posted about patience for patients....we are praying for patience as we wait for confirmation.

Yesterday I had a great reiki session - very relaxing and puts my mind at ease.  Reiki is something that my brother Trent and I have embraced over the past few years as a supplement to western medicine. Through a good friend, I have found the Reiki touch in Barb, a master here in Regina - very professional and very compassionate. Here is a great link with some very valuable information on Reiki  - what is is and how it works.  My brother Trent is also an Usui and Lightarian Reiki Master in Calgary.  I am thankful for the engery he gives me.

Today the flaps separated and scared the heck out us!  After a few doctors appointments and many phone including a wrong call transfer,a guardian angel named Patti G picked up the call. We were able to get into see a nurse (Jane -- another angel) for a flap clean up.  As difficult as it was to hear that these flaps have failed and require removal, it was also comforting to know that when a surgery date is confirmed there will be no second guessing as to what procedures will take place - axillary node dissection and flap removal. In the  meantime, I have to say it feels amazing to have clean flaps...

So yeah, although we feel a bit beat up emotionally by cancer today in that cancer took breasts and now the end of the day we are ahead of the game - we have each other, we have great a great family and we have great friends.  Cancer cannot take that away.

We will post the upcoming surgery date as soon as we receive the date.

Much love to all, Shelley & Bob


  1. Hi Shelly...After reading this blog you are sounding relaxed, calmed, and almost,rejuvenated and no doubt as a result of your Reiki session. As you continue your Reiki experience, Our prayers continue......Love, Betty & Al Rybchinski

  2. Shelley it sounds like whatever this Reiki is, it is helping you so more power to you as I do not know what Reiki is. My prayers are with you at all times and I pray that you do not have to wait too long for your surgery. They say patience is a virtue so I have to beleive that it is and that you will be granted lots of patience to deal with this delima.
    Love and hugs to all,
    Aunt Anne

  3. Michelle Burant EppMarch 29, 2012 at 10:45 AM

    Hang in there Shelley! You're on quite a journey. Your strength and positive attitude are an inspiration to us all.

  4. Hey Shell,
    Good to read your blog and learn that you are working on the patience thing. I myself have always had a hard time with it. It truly is a skill that helps to ease pain and tension.
    Just keep making the calls (in a patient way). Cause I also hear that the squeaky wheel gets the grease : )
    Big Love,
    KJTM and Kooper

  5. Hey Shelley - I will forward you an article that came from the Prairie Messenger by Fr. Ron Rolheiser regarding his journey through cancer. I really enjoy his writing and find him well grounded. I will send it to your email address. Praying for you always for your continued strenth.
    Love ya girlfriend!!!
