Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Getting back to Normal

Shell had her best sleep yet, but is still not sleeping through the night. Very good day. Walked on treadmill for 20 minutes at the lowest speed. That gave her one lap of track. She had no expectations when she started, but then wanted to finish one lap. The goal oriented person took over.
We would like to thank Scott Thomson the manager of Flaman Fitness. He has always been so good to us when we shop for fitness equipment. You should check them out if you are looking for fitness equipment. Great customer service and selection.
Needless to say Shell had a 2 hour nap after lunch. She is starting to get her appetite back and is starting to crave certain foods.
This afternoon Shell had her hair shampooed and styled by Jen at PAI. Jen had offered before surgery ,so Shell took her up on it. I think Shell was getting tired of me calling it, her "dirty flow".
Tomorrow we attend orientation at the Alain Blair Cancer Clinic. Not sure what to expect though I an sure it will be informative and helpful.
Shell sat at computer today. This is a bit concerning for me as she is close to taking over. I don't know if I can quit cold turkey. I may have to attend blogger's anonymous or try laser therapy. Hopefully she will let me make the odd cameo.

Soon to be benched.
Big Bobby Blogger


  1. Shelley, so glad to hear that you are feeling better but be careful of the "back to normal" stuff. Walking on the treadmill, getting your hair done and hanging out on-line may lead them to thinking you can cook and clean and other such chores. Keep letting them think they're in charge!!

  2. Woo hoo way to go Shell! you mean you guys use your treadmill for things other than hanging clothes on or stacking storage boxes?? gee we have to get out more! oh ya just wanted to throw out a big thanks for recommending the body pillow! the "wife" thinks I should have one to curl up with too!!
    BBB i dont think you could go cold turkey! dont think i could anyway ha ha
    hoping tomorrow is every bit as good as today! have a good night

  3. It's so good to hear the progress Shelley is making. Keep it up girlfriend!!!

  4. Glad to hear your good news. Prayers are with you every step of the way. Good luck at the orientation. I start my driving on Thursday. It will be a full day. So when you are ready for your treatments - I will be an old pro by then.......might not even need a GPS!!!!!Yeah right. Remember I am the Ukrainian from Ituna where we don't use our indicators because everyone knows where you are going so it doesnt matter.

    Much love and hugs to all.

  5. I just caught up on all of the blog entries and marvel at Shelley's strength and courage and your amazing family...not to mention awesome bloggin'!! As I read about the treadmill I picture you walkin' down the lake road, Shelley, with the sunshining on your face all those early mornings. As Oprah would say.."one foot in front of the other". Pace yourself, Shelley! I look forward to walking this journey with you, now and at the lake... sooner than you think!!

  6. Hi Shell Dog and Bob, Glad to hear Shell is progressing...treadmill amazing you go Sista! Shit if you are on the treadmill what excuses does everyone else have...NONE! You are an amazing strong woman and an inspiration to us all! Ally told me they wrecked your pedi how dare them...LOL When you need those toes fixed that they wrecked I will be there. I am so glad your family has been such a great support system that means so much. Bob keep the blog going! As for B......haha!

    Take care
    Sending our love and prayers<3

    The Chamryk's

  7. Heh Shelley..you know your thought of often when people in Palm Springs are asking about you!! I've been here 3 days and had 3 different people ask how you were doing. I find it kinda entertaining that people are asking me how Bobby Lowes's wife is doing, haha! The Wintertons, Lemeiux's and Pellegrini's have all been inquiring about how you are. I've told them I've been on your blog regulary and that your one tough cookie. Good luck at the cancer centre tomorrow, I'm sure you will come out of there having some of your questions answered.
    Take Care,

  8. Shelley,
    I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I know it seems like it is only small steps but when you consider how you were last week to how you are today, there is much improvement.
    I hope that your orientation at the Cancer Clinic goes well. Let me know who your oncologist is when you find out. If you have any questions, just give me a call. I am always thinking of you and praying for all of you.

  9. OMG treadmill already - Shell you are amazing!

    Karen Kja

  10. I can only Imagine what this Dirty flow looks like considering we all know the Lake Flow A.k.a the wild beast! Keep up the good work Aunty, It sounds like you are doing fantastic. Love you all lots!


  11. Shelly may have a national protest on her hands if she does try to cut blooger Bobbie off from his newly aquired fans completely. As much as we want to hear from the girl herself we have become acustom to a certain style and prose like talent. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date Bob. Shelly we all would love to hear from you soon. We are still holding you all close to our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good fight. Kate
