Saturday, March 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Shell was discharged at noon today. As I write this she is resting comfortably in her own bed.

Dr. Souf was in early this morning to look at things. Spent up to an hour with the Doppler machine trying to find pulses and to figure out this unique situation. Unique in that the tissue is alive though the pulse is irregular. He believes there is,or was some clotting that will dissipate as the blood vessels and good tissue continues to grow. We all have a good laugh when he shakes his head,smirks and says "Shelley you are unique"! He will continue to see her as an out patient with our first appointment being Monday, anytime. Being unique has its privileges.

We have been spending all afternoon getting supplies and medication in order to make Shell as comfortable as possible. She is still very sore,tired and doesn't have much of an appetite. I was given a crash course by Stevo the LPN. Shell gave him that name and we have been calling him that for the last few days. I now know how to empty the drain and record fluid color and level. As well as change appropriate bandages on various areas.

I would just like to add that Shell had the same night nurse as before, though she was very good. She obviously had been talked to. As she apologized for situation and her and Shell were able to have a good talk . Shell had a good nights rest which helped in her feeling good enough to come home.

We were also told that Dr. Meier will call us with pathology results within next couple of weeks. We have a scheduled appointment with her on April 11th. I believe this is to be given name of Oncologist who will be handling Shell's treatments. We are hoping that the Sentinel Node was clear so no radiation is needed.

Big Bobby Blogger, Home care  LPN.


  1. Welcome Home Girl,, Just finished reading last couple days blogs. Shelley I am surprised the Polish girl in you didnt get out of bed and flatten her.
    Good for you to keep above it.
    You are going to recuperate at even a quicker pace now that you are home. Good family cooking, watching Big Blogger Bob vacumm , and having the kids around will no doubt speed up your recovery time to over double.
    Little steps, and before you know it its all behind you.
    Keep smilin, Keep laughing


  2. Just finished reading all your blogs and must say you are one special lady! I admire your courage and determination. Sounds like you have just a wonderful family (and a lot of friends that love you). Nick & I will continue to follow your blog and cheer all your achievements and progress. Keep up your wonderful attitude, keep smiling and may God bless you always. Terrific job on the blog Bob & family. All our love, Nick & Elva Polano

  3. Welcome Home, Shelley!! Your family must be breathing a sigh of relief to have you home where they can keep a real eye on you and your recovery!! And, Bob, apparently you are a weatlth of untapped knowledge...blogger, LPN and now, Domestic Engineer!! Be sure and call if you need anything!
    love, hugs and prayers,

  4. Cheeps...Chicken beat me to the blog???? I knew it was a mistake to forward this site to him. Trumping me at every corner.
    I missed checking the blog site last night. I have a good excuse Shell. I was taking a virtual course which involves technology and such. People from Canada, USA and India in the class. I know the techno-teacher in you will approve : )
    Soooooo happy you are home. As the Chicken said, being in your own home with your family around you 24/7 will speed your recovery.
    And more titles for Big Bobby Blogger . . . He's now Dr. McDreamy or McSteamy or something like that!! And, of course, head coach of the family (just in the meantime Shell - you'll get the position back very soon).
    Speedy recovery energy waves flowing your way my friends.
    Big Love

  5. So glad you are home! We know you have lots of family around at the moment. l
    Let us know when they go so that we can there to lend a helping hand.

    You must all be so happy to have wife and mom back at home. Nothing is more comforting than having all of your family under the same roof.

    Lots of love,
    the Hammonds

  6. So glad to hear that you are home Shelley. Step one is behind you and with your positive attitude and determination you will conquer all the hurdles along the way. Your hubby and children and parents and all will see you through this. Its been wonderful to follow on the blog so thanks Bob. God bless you all. Prayers are with you all always.
    Anne Mat (Aunt)

  7. I am so happy to hear you are at home!
    Everything is better when you are at home. Especially when you can just boss everyone around... and we all know how good you are being bossy :-)
    I am thinking about you all the time, and praying, too.

  8. Woo hoo! Home sweet home!
    Thinking of you all.
    -David & Leslie

  9. We are so glad to hear you are home and resting in your own bed. We have been keeping you in our thoughts and prayers hoping for a speedy recovery. Your positive attitude and wonderful support from family and friends will help. Know there are many people out here rooting for you!
    Take care and God Bless.
    St. Bernadette Staff

  10. Yeah for you - home at last! We are so happy that you are in your own bed and have everyone together again. Way to go,Girl! And great for you Bob - keeping it all together; we did not know you are so talented. No doubt the kids are helping out a lot Cuddos to you guys too. Love ya, Lynne and Doug

  11. hey all Regina people- been reading the reports from your special correspondent, Shelley, and we have been so impressed by your local reporter!- lots of information and lots of good reasons to be so impressed by your strength, and lots of reasons to know wishes continue ... Just wanted to say hi, and want you to know that thoughts prayers continue as well
