Thursday, April 19, 2012

Waahoo - a win & a sense of normalcy!

What an awesome time in Ottawa!! Hockey was great especially with the OT win last night! The fans were unbelievable - they remind us of the Roughrider fans: crazy, fun & dedicated :) And what organization!  We were treated like royalty! Thank you thank you! xo

How about the PDA on TSN???? Hahaha!! Those of you who know Bob know the "no PDA" public displays of affection. I guess playoff hockey OT wins are the exception!! I guess the rule doesn't apply to Bryan ;)

A sense of normalicy (sans cancer) returned for a few moments here and there and a few good ol' belly laughs were had with our Ottawa friends...aaahhh! :) That was great!

The Murphy Review is finally in too.... ;) We were able to connect with the Murphy's for supper and an evening of fun....priceless!
  1. King Murphy Bean Salad v. Media Centre Bean Salad v. Winnipeg Airport Bean Salad
    And the winner is....Murph all the way!!
  2. Oncology Tips and Tricks from Bonnie - priceless and much appreciated
  3. Sock Monkey...something to squeeze when needed
It is great to be home and now its time to refocus on recovery... and playoff hockey :)

Go Sens Go! Shelley & Bob xoxo


  1. Hey guys!! Soo glad that you enjoyed your trip to Ottawa, nice to jet set around the country!! I kind of know how you must have felt as I got to travell to Pelican Narrows today! i have the "PDA" on my PVR so will replay it for you when we see you this summer!!take care and talk to you soon.

  2. Glad to hear you had such a great time. I was looking for you on TV but missed it....and the PDA which sounds like a good story! Maybe you could elaborate on it in a future blog?! Take care Shelley - thinking about you.

  3. Sounds like that trip was just as much a celebration to living life as it was to winning!! So glad you had a blast and spent time with friends and had some belly laughs.

    Sending extra positive thoughts and karma today.
    Big Love,
    KJTM and Kooper
