Friday, April 27, 2012

Physio starts today

Yeserday we finally received a referral for physio to start.  Unfortunately it isn't as one would expect!  There is a 4 month waiting list for the Cancer - Lymphademia Clinic care program unless you are an emergency.  Well, I think everyone is emgerent when it comes to cancer!  So we found a private physio therapist who is specializing in women's health care and lymphodemia through Cheryl E. (much appreciated!) and is fitting me in today!  Thankfully we have medical coverage for this.  However, we may have found a purpose for a letter writing campaigm to the MLA, Minister of Health and Premier....what do people not as fortunate as us do?  The system is broken....inefficient and needs to become LEAN and effective.

Full props to the Regina Canadian Cancer Society!  Today we went there to access some resources and came home with a real hair wig (to be styled to my liking) and nice set of boobs in a box and a bra! Wow!  Christa was so helpful and professional.  It made this ordeal very easy! And to Donna Z., thank you for the email explaining this fantastic service! xoxo

So it's been three days since round one of chemo.  We are doing well actually!  However, today is the last day of meds (steriods and antinausea)  from the clinic so I hope this state of wellness continues. I have been able to keep walking and keep up with Bob.  His back is coming along nicely too.  Exercise, ice, heat and stretch!

And the SENS...tough loss but overall a successful year for a team that was picked by the "experts" to finish last.  xoxo

Have a great weekend - eat, pray and exercise! Shelley & Bob

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shelley,
    Hope the weekend went smoothly without all the meds to help out : )
    You are right, the system is broken. Do I see a new project on the horizon for Shelley Lowes?? From reading the blog site, it strikes me that you are surrounded by good friends who have been amazing at helping you with getting to and from appointments as well as providing resources and full support spiritually. You truly are blessed.
    It is so amazing to see the "good" we can all do for one another on a daily basis. We need more exposure to that!
    On the hockey note - Ottawa kicked butt this year - given their odds. And it all starts with finding the right players to fit the culture of the team. I know that BBB is a big part of that process.
    I guess now we say . . . . Go Lowsees Go!!
    Big Love,
    KJTM and Kooper
