Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home from Hospital

Shell was able to come home this morning. She is a bit sore, especially here right shoulder and arm. This is due to node dissection. She has to take it easy for a week,though must do enough with her right arm in order to avoid developing lymphodema in her right arm. I am sure Dr. Souf said no typing,though Shell may not of heard it:)
Shell rested most of the day and is happy to have this surgery behind her. The focus now is to heal both, physically and mentally, in order to prepare for chemotherapy.
What helped to make it an even better day was the Sens clinching a playoff birth with a 5-1 win versus the Islanders.


  1. Thank God that phase one is over with. Now on to greater things. I know Shelley with your dtermination, strength, faith and your loved ones around you , you will see this through. Prayers are ever on going. Today I saw Balwin and Irene at church and they asked about you and said they too have you in their prayers. Keep smiling.
    Love and hugs to all.
    Aunt Anne

  2. Go Shelley Go! Go Sens Go! Go Shelley Go!

    Kathy from Kelowna . . .

  3. Hey guys - so relieved to hear that the surgery is over, now heal, heal, heal! Game on with Chemo and kick some cancer ass (oops, there's my outside voice again!) I've even been hearing some quiet rumblings around the house of
    " Go Senators Go " from some certain Oiler fans....
    Still lots of love your way and prayers going upstairs for all of you!
