Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ready for Chemo AC #1

Yesterday was a full day of preparation for chemo later today...so much so we were too tired to blog! 

The morning started with the MUGA scan at the Pasqua....uneventful test involving two needle pokes and some photos.  Then if was off the the General Hospital for the Port-a-cath insertion.  That was a little more involved than what I read!  Ouch! It hurt and I was absolutely drained after that one!  What I learned from that Port-a-Cath is the following: (just in case you know someone who needs to get this done)....
  • Ask for Adavan or some other sedative BEFORE the procedure begins; although this procedure is consider "minor" and a local freezing is used, it HURTS! Actually what hurts is the freezing going in - 3 times!  So I became pretty tense as the procedure continue.  Thank God it was only 20 minutes!  Thank Mary that I could remember the "Hail Mary" to get me through it! The pushing and tugging was minor.  Tylenol is my friend once again to help with the pain as the freezing came out. 
  • Sleep/rest after the procedure - that is a must! I still had one more appointment to go to after the General and I slept in the car, the waiting room and doctor's office :) Sleep is good!
  • Drinks LOTS of water after - don't count coffee and tea!
  • Don't be afraid to take a sleep aid - sleep helps with recovery and, for me, preparation for chemo!
Special thanks to Penny Lane and Mikayla - my drivers for the day!  LPN Bob unfortunately put his back out...yup! Not great timing but today he is moving better!
Today is Aly's last final at the university and my first chemo treatment...wish us luck!

Keep praying - we are most fortunate to have such a strong faith circle surrounding us!

Love to all, Shelley

P.S. Some of you were wondering if Bob put his back out due to BEA :).....that would make for a great story but the truth is....He was bending over cleaning Zoe's paws and that is all it took!


  1. Hey Girl! Even though I don't write very often, I check here everyday and pray for you. I give Lee updates all the time as he does ask quite frequently. And about Bob and his back thing...you two can just stick with the Zoe's paw thing you've got goin' on. We all know that BEA is the actual story. ;)

  2. Shelley, I read this everyday and everyday I pray for you and your family. I know that you are being very brave and I am in awe of your courage. Chemo is another hurdle to jump and you will absolutely soar over it. Let me know if and when you would like some company or a phone call. All my love Susie Kohuch

  3. Shelley, keep keeping the faith! You are in my prayers daily.
