Friday, April 20, 2012

No Radiation Required!

This morning we met with the oncologist for follow up.....the Lymph Node Dissection came back CLEAR -  WAAHOO!!! That means no radiation after chemo :)  Results from the blood work to find out why I clotted so much are not back yet....

We were surprised to find out that I start chemo on Tuesday, April 24th...yes, this coming Tuesday!! In preparation for Tuesday, Monday is now packed with appointments and procedures.  First thing Monday, at 8:00 AM we report to Pasqua admitting. The MUGA test will take place.  This test checks to make sure the heart is pumping blood properly before chemo starts so there are no surprises. Then we are off the the General Hospital were a Port-a-Cath will be inserted. This device will make it easier for the chemo drugs and blood tests to be given.  Once this is done, then it is off to see Dr. Souf for final approval that I am healed and ready for chemo.

The recommended chemo treatment (pre-node dissection) remains the same:
  • 4 rounds of AC  - once every 3 weeks for 12 weeks
  • 12 cycles of Taxol - once every week for 12 weeks
All is good - things are happening!

Love to all, Shelley & Bob

Ps. I want to calarify that my celebration was not a PDA but a PDE (public display of excitement)!
      I am hoping that I have more oppotunities to show PDE in the future. BBB


  1. That is fabulous news! We are so happy for you.

  2. Hi Everyone
    We saw Bobby on TV at the game. Go Ottawa
    Good luck with the Chemo Shelley
    Cheers Jim & Rita

  3. Shelley,
    So glad to hear that you don't need radiation! The chemo is enough to go through. I had a MUGA test to see if there was a problem when my heart rate was so high. I don't remember much about it but it was an okay thing. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. You'll be fine.

  4. Great news! Glad to hear you finally got a break. We'll be thinking of you on Tuesday as you tackle the semi-finals.
    Love you,

  5. So so happy about the no radiation news. Yay! Good luck next week. Love the Carvey Parkers in Calgary

  6. Good Luck tomorrow Shelley. We will all be thinking about you.


  7. Michelle Burant and Boys EppApril 23, 2012 at 8:24 PM

    Sending prayers and love your way!

  8. Great news.thanks Michelle Burant and Boys Epp nice poting We can Radiation badgewith love!
