Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

The healing process has begun from the past surgery - compression bandage and drain was removed on Thursday and now we have daily visits to the Treatment Centre for dressing changes - even today - Easter Sunday!  There is a bit of a concern with fluid retention around both wounds at this time.  Tomorrow we meet with the doctor and we will see if this is normal. 

Other than that life is good!  Woke up to some snow yesterday but it should all disappear in the next few days - gotta love Saskatchewan weather!

We hope the Easter Bunny treats you all well this fine Easter Sunday!

Much love, Shelley & Bob

1 comment:

  1. Shelley, I am so happy to hear that you are doing okay! I read your blogs all the time, i share smiles,tears, and laughter,hope and faith. I wish i could be your nurse at home with you to give Bob a break! Keep strong shelley! Were thinking of you lots and i hope the best for you everyday! Happy Easter, and lots of love,
    Love Skye & Aiden xoxoxo
