Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Shell had a tough night as she was in lots of pain due to activity. She was in discomfort, as well as very nauseous. They had her sit up again, though with great effort and lots of pain.
Then out of a scene from Grey"s Anatomy, the young 2nd year resident shows up. (He was in the initial surgery). We discussed her situation and he was able to prescribe a different anti-nauseant. This made a big difference and allowed her to walk around the ward. When I commented that she is walking so fast that her hair is standing up,she was not impressed. I did get a good laugh from her nurse though. After her walk she was in lots of pain ,so they gave her something for pain mixed with an anti-nauseant. After sleeping for half hour she was the most coherent since coming out of surgery. She was able to get up and walk to bathroom in order for them to wash up.
When I came back form a little break they had her up in the chair ready for lunch. At this time Dr. Souf came in and examined her. He is not ready to give up on the right flap. Although there are some inconsistencies with a healthy flap, there are also signs that the flap is working. He wants to wait and see. Says it is imperative, that she walks to get the blood flowing. They also want to take the catheter out so that she will have to get up to washroom. She also needs to start eating more to get her strength up. Very hungry though is having trouble eating. Shell commented that she was going to write a book after this entitled "Shit Happens" and she wanted Dr. Souf to write the forward. The Doc and I laughed though Shell only chuckled and smiled.
Shell now has a mantra: EAT,PRAY,WALK.

I would like to apologize for grammar and spelling. Hunting and pecking, as well as trying to formulate my words is hard enough. I should have tried harder and paid more attention in english class. Have they not come up with a computer program that can do that for you? Oh yeah, and punctuation.,;:?

The Blog Doctor


  1. It's so great hearing there's improvement!!!! I know Shelley is tough and she will bounce right back and we can get back to having some good laughs, usually at our the expense of our husbands and their silly 'fishing' stories!!! Say 'Hi' to Shelley from us and keep the stories coming Blog Doctor.

  2. Hey doctor and family! Great work shel..keep it going! Sending heavy duty hugs,prayers and love at ya all! Love earl, kl,Alexa, Hadley & grandma lowes!

  3. This sounds like a break through! Congrats to the intern and to Shelley for taking advantage of every second of non-nausea!
    Follow the mantra - EAT Pray Walk. Baby steps. That's what it takes.
    Don't underestimate your gift for writing there Bib Blogger . . seems to come naturally. Your information comes out like a story. Very awesome strokes of pecking penmanship!

  4. Hey Guys... just wanted to say, you go girl! Glad to hear you are improving and taking it one step at a time. Bob... well Bob, you are doing a fantastic job on your blogging! Let me tell you, I love checking in to read the updates... maybe even addicting... Ha Ha.

    Give Shelley a big hug for me,

    cousin Sherry

  5. Hi to all, I knew she would improve one of these days because she has such a strong will and more determination than anyone I know. I am so anxious to see you all tomorrow. Shell I expect you to run down the hall and greet me at the elevators when I arrive. Thank God she is eating and walking even if it's just baby steps. I can't imagine what her body is going through, I know when she takes a regular strength tylenol she has to usually have a nap. Hang in there sissy I'll see you tomorrow.
    Love you always,

  6. We are so glad to hear of the improvments !! I'm one of those blog stalkers you talked about, so thanks for all of the updates, you guys are doing so great ! Love from the Pedersen family

  7. So glad to hear that things are improving. Rome wasn't built in a day. Small, slow and steady steps wins the race!Keep strong for one another. Your love will get you through this.
    Great job on the blog, Bob. Not an easy thing to keep up with I'm sure. No doubt when you get home at night the last thing you want to do is face a computer. I'm sure your bed beckons you as I know this is tough for all of you. Make sure to look after yourselves as well. You need to remain strong so that Shelley can draw from that strength! Take care.
    the Hammonds

  8. Don't you dare apologize! We can read past the grammar, punctuation...whatever! You just keep those updates coming!! I appreciate reading how everyone is doing and I know how hard it must be when you are exhausted yourself!!
    And, way to go, Shelley!! You go, girl! And I hope the whole "Grey's Anatomy" analogy includes a McDreamy and a might as well enjoy the scenery while you're cruising the ward!!
    lots and lots of love and prayers,

  9. Eat, pray, and walk for Shell, and for you Bob, eat, pray and blog! I could give you an entire bibliography of psychological research papers on the principle of closure which means even hte mst mspeld mssgs cn b read wth ese, so dnt stp blgging!! lol! Of course in my 21 yrs as an English teacher I never shared that with my students!

  10. Hey Lowesy, Our continued thoughts and prayers from our family to yours. Shelley will be just fine. Your stregth as a family will pull her through everything!! Jamie, Lindsey, Presley, and Demi Hodson.

  11. make sure you tell my girlfriend when she is ready for a good old hair wash and blow i am there with my hair tools and my grammer sucks to sorry love ya. keep strong jen paq

  12. You're doing a fabulous job, Bob. Ignore KE! LOL!

    Keep going Shell - the wine's on order!
