Yeserday we finally received a referral for physio to start. Unfortunately it isn't as one would expect! There is a 4 month waiting list for the Cancer - Lymphademia Clinic care program unless you are an emergency. Well, I think everyone is emgerent when it comes to cancer! So we found a private physio therapist who is specializing in women's health care and lymphodemia through Cheryl E. (much appreciated!) and is fitting me in today! Thankfully we have medical coverage for this. However, we may have found a purpose for a letter writing campaigm to the MLA, Minister of Health and Premier....what do people not as fortunate as us do? The system is broken....inefficient and needs to become LEAN and effective.
Full props to the Regina Canadian Cancer Society! Today we went there to access some resources and came home with a real hair wig (to be styled to my liking) and nice set of boobs in a box and a bra! Wow! Christa was so helpful and professional. It made this ordeal very easy! And to Donna Z., thank you for the email explaining this fantastic service! xoxo
So it's been three days since round one of chemo. We are doing well actually! However, today is the last day of meds (steriods and antinausea) from the clinic so I hope this state of wellness continues. I have been able to keep walking and keep up with Bob. His back is coming along nicely too. Exercise, ice, heat and stretch!
And the SENS...tough loss but overall a successful year for a team that was picked by the "experts" to finish last. xoxo
Have a great weekend - eat, pray and exercise! Shelley & Bob
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Round 1 AC - done!
Well, we made it through round 1! The nursing staff were exceptional, empathetic and patient! Thank you for that!
My good friend and guardian angel, Michele B drove me to chemo today and waited with me while I settled in. It took a longer as I had a bit of a melt down once I sat in the "chemo chair' was like reality setting in...the "oh my I really have cancer" thing was overwhelming. I looked around and saw all these sick people in loungers yet these people were smiling and happy....that may be me too in a few months/weeks. After a few tears it was time to settle in and get the chemo party started. Thanks Michele for holding my hand :)
The nurses were able to use my newly acquired port for today's cocktails. This was good because the IV from yesterday was really sore and bruised. Bob arrived shortly after 3:00 in time to meet with the pharmacist. We went through the various drugs and side effects, watch to watch for etc. It was great to have him there because the Adavan was kicking in and all things were sounding like Charlie Brown's teacher "waawaawaa". Thank goodness Bob was there for me taking notes and asking questions.
So far tonight I feel OK although there is a heaviness surrounding me - hard to explain as it is just a heavy sensation. I have anti nausea drugs to take for the next three days too. Hopefully that will do it for this round!
Bob's back is loosening up - he can now touch his knees! This is good news!
Kids are doing great - they are happy that I am home and not "sick".....I don't know what "sick" is anymore but they are pulling some extra chores around here so all is good!
Here's hoping tomorrow's side effects are minimal! Love, Shelley
My good friend and guardian angel, Michele B drove me to chemo today and waited with me while I settled in. It took a longer as I had a bit of a melt down once I sat in the "chemo chair' was like reality setting in...the "oh my I really have cancer" thing was overwhelming. I looked around and saw all these sick people in loungers yet these people were smiling and happy....that may be me too in a few months/weeks. After a few tears it was time to settle in and get the chemo party started. Thanks Michele for holding my hand :)
The nurses were able to use my newly acquired port for today's cocktails. This was good because the IV from yesterday was really sore and bruised. Bob arrived shortly after 3:00 in time to meet with the pharmacist. We went through the various drugs and side effects, watch to watch for etc. It was great to have him there because the Adavan was kicking in and all things were sounding like Charlie Brown's teacher "waawaawaa". Thank goodness Bob was there for me taking notes and asking questions.
So far tonight I feel OK although there is a heaviness surrounding me - hard to explain as it is just a heavy sensation. I have anti nausea drugs to take for the next three days too. Hopefully that will do it for this round!
Bob's back is loosening up - he can now touch his knees! This is good news!
Kids are doing great - they are happy that I am home and not "sick".....I don't know what "sick" is anymore but they are pulling some extra chores around here so all is good!
Here's hoping tomorrow's side effects are minimal! Love, Shelley
Ready for Chemo AC #1
Yesterday was a full day of preparation for chemo later much so we were too tired to blog!
The morning started with the MUGA scan at the Pasqua....uneventful test involving two needle pokes and some photos. Then if was off the the General Hospital for the Port-a-cath insertion. That was a little more involved than what I read! Ouch! It hurt and I was absolutely drained after that one! What I learned from that Port-a-Cath is the following: (just in case you know someone who needs to get this done)....
Today is Aly's last final at the university and my first chemo treatment...wish us luck!
Keep praying - we are most fortunate to have such a strong faith circle surrounding us!
Love to all, Shelley
P.S. Some of you were wondering if Bob put his back out due to BEA :).....that would make for a great story but the truth is....He was bending over cleaning Zoe's paws and that is all it took!
The morning started with the MUGA scan at the Pasqua....uneventful test involving two needle pokes and some photos. Then if was off the the General Hospital for the Port-a-cath insertion. That was a little more involved than what I read! Ouch! It hurt and I was absolutely drained after that one! What I learned from that Port-a-Cath is the following: (just in case you know someone who needs to get this done)....
- Ask for Adavan or some other sedative BEFORE the procedure begins; although this procedure is consider "minor" and a local freezing is used, it HURTS! Actually what hurts is the freezing going in - 3 times! So I became pretty tense as the procedure continue. Thank God it was only 20 minutes! Thank Mary that I could remember the "Hail Mary" to get me through it! The pushing and tugging was minor. Tylenol is my friend once again to help with the pain as the freezing came out.
- Sleep/rest after the procedure - that is a must! I still had one more appointment to go to after the General and I slept in the car, the waiting room and doctor's office :) Sleep is good!
- Drinks LOTS of water after - don't count coffee and tea!
- Don't be afraid to take a sleep aid - sleep helps with recovery and, for me, preparation for chemo!
Today is Aly's last final at the university and my first chemo treatment...wish us luck!
Keep praying - we are most fortunate to have such a strong faith circle surrounding us!
Love to all, Shelley
P.S. Some of you were wondering if Bob put his back out due to BEA :).....that would make for a great story but the truth is....He was bending over cleaning Zoe's paws and that is all it took!
Friday, April 20, 2012
No Radiation Required!
This morning we met with the oncologist for follow up.....the Lymph Node Dissection came back CLEAR - WAAHOO!!! That means no radiation after chemo :) Results from the blood work to find out why I clotted so much are not back yet....
We were surprised to find out that I start chemo on Tuesday, April 24th...yes, this coming Tuesday!! In preparation for Tuesday, Monday is now packed with appointments and procedures. First thing Monday, at 8:00 AM we report to Pasqua admitting. The MUGA test will take place. This test checks to make sure the heart is pumping blood properly before chemo starts so there are no surprises. Then we are off the the General Hospital were a Port-a-Cath will be inserted. This device will make it easier for the chemo drugs and blood tests to be given. Once this is done, then it is off to see Dr. Souf for final approval that I am healed and ready for chemo.
The recommended chemo treatment (pre-node dissection) remains the same:
Love to all, Shelley & Bob
Ps. I want to calarify that my celebration was not a PDA but a PDE (public display of excitement)!
I am hoping that I have more oppotunities to show PDE in the future. BBB
We were surprised to find out that I start chemo on Tuesday, April 24th...yes, this coming Tuesday!! In preparation for Tuesday, Monday is now packed with appointments and procedures. First thing Monday, at 8:00 AM we report to Pasqua admitting. The MUGA test will take place. This test checks to make sure the heart is pumping blood properly before chemo starts so there are no surprises. Then we are off the the General Hospital were a Port-a-Cath will be inserted. This device will make it easier for the chemo drugs and blood tests to be given. Once this is done, then it is off to see Dr. Souf for final approval that I am healed and ready for chemo.
The recommended chemo treatment (pre-node dissection) remains the same:
- 4 rounds of AC - once every 3 weeks for 12 weeks
- 12 cycles of Taxol - once every week for 12 weeks
Love to all, Shelley & Bob
Ps. I want to calarify that my celebration was not a PDA but a PDE (public display of excitement)!
I am hoping that I have more oppotunities to show PDE in the future. BBB
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Waahoo - a win & a sense of normalcy!
What an awesome time in Ottawa!! Hockey was great especially with the OT win last night! The fans were unbelievable - they remind us of the Roughrider fans: crazy, fun & dedicated :) And what organization! We were treated like royalty! Thank you thank you! xo
How about the PDA on TSN???? Hahaha!! Those of you who know Bob know the "no PDA" public displays of affection. I guess playoff hockey OT wins are the exception!! I guess the rule doesn't apply to Bryan ;)
A sense of normalicy (sans cancer) returned for a few moments here and there and a few good ol' belly laughs were had with our Ottawa friends...aaahhh! :) That was great!
The Murphy Review is finally in too.... ;) We were able to connect with the Murphy's for supper and an evening of fun....priceless!
Go Sens Go! Shelley & Bob xoxo
How about the PDA on TSN???? Hahaha!! Those of you who know Bob know the "no PDA" public displays of affection. I guess playoff hockey OT wins are the exception!! I guess the rule doesn't apply to Bryan ;)
A sense of normalicy (sans cancer) returned for a few moments here and there and a few good ol' belly laughs were had with our Ottawa friends...aaahhh! :) That was great!
The Murphy Review is finally in too.... ;) We were able to connect with the Murphy's for supper and an evening of fun....priceless!
- King Murphy Bean Salad v. Media Centre Bean Salad v. Winnipeg Airport Bean Salad
And the winner is....Murph all the way!! - Oncology Tips and Tricks from Bonnie - priceless and much appreciated
- Sock Monkey...something to squeeze when needed
Go Sens Go! Shelley & Bob xoxo
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Ottawa Bound
Go Sens Go! 2012 Playoffs |
Upon our return we will be back in full medical appointment mode starting on Friday with the oncologist. Blood work and scans of sorts will be done/booked in preparation for chemo. Perhaps we will get a tentative chemo start date. The results of the Axillary Node Dissection and blood work re: clotting should be given to us too...please say an extra prayer or two that all of this goes well!
Thanks again to all our friends and family for your prayers and words of support!
Lots of Love, Shelley & Bob
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Today I was forced to give myself a nurse mate took the day off :) Bob went to Brandon to watch the Wheat Kings Game! This morning I broke out in a sweat just holding the needle....luckily, I had a doctor's appointment today and the doctor took me to the nurses' station for a lesson. The nurse calmly guided my hands and talked me through it...she even invited me back for a repeat lesson to "build my confidence" :) Thank goodness for compassionate and patient nurses!! Full props to Bob for taking on this job without hesitation....there is a reason why I am a teacher and not in the medical profession :)
In the meantime, I have been faithfully exercising my arm in hopes of restoring mobility and sensation as well as using the treadmill....all this to ready myself for chemo and healthy living! By the way, I have accomplished the 6 minute lap...if you recall, after the first surgery it was taking me 20 minutes to walk a lap on the treadmill! If this wind would die down it would be awesome to walk outside.
That is all I know on the medical front today - hope this finds everyone well! Love, Shelley
In the meantime, I have been faithfully exercising my arm in hopes of restoring mobility and sensation as well as using the treadmill....all this to ready myself for chemo and healthy living! By the way, I have accomplished the 6 minute lap...if you recall, after the first surgery it was taking me 20 minutes to walk a lap on the treadmill! If this wind would die down it would be awesome to walk outside.
That is all I know on the medical front today - hope this finds everyone well! Love, Shelley
Monday, April 9, 2012
Drain & Compress
Today's doctor's appointment resulted in the need to have these chest wounds drained/aspirated and compressed. This will happen tomorrow morning at the Pasqua Hospital. Hopefully this is just a minor procedure to help speed up the healing process....apparently this is a common procedure following a mastectomy to help the body find and adjust to a new way of draining fluids in the lymphatic system. Of course I am not thrilled with the idea of another needle poke... however, whatever it takes to heal.
Sleep has been good; the arm is slowing coming along although I still can't sit next to Bob while watching hockey as he continues to poke, bump and assist on almost every play; ...knitting is coming along too....still making dish clothes but I may have to make the quantum leap and start a siwash sweater for the girls.
For those of you on Easter vacation - I hope it relaxes and refreshes you!
Happy Monday! Shelley
Sleep has been good; the arm is slowing coming along although I still can't sit next to Bob while watching hockey as he continues to poke, bump and assist on almost every play; ...knitting is coming along too....still making dish clothes but I may have to make the quantum leap and start a siwash sweater for the girls.
For those of you on Easter vacation - I hope it relaxes and refreshes you!
Happy Monday! Shelley
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!
The healing process has begun from the past surgery - compression bandage and drain was removed on Thursday and now we have daily visits to the Treatment Centre for dressing changes - even today - Easter Sunday! There is a bit of a concern with fluid retention around both wounds at this time. Tomorrow we meet with the doctor and we will see if this is normal.
Other than that life is good! Woke up to some snow yesterday but it should all disappear in the next few days - gotta love Saskatchewan weather!
We hope the Easter Bunny treats you all well this fine Easter Sunday!
Much love, Shelley & Bob
Other than that life is good! Woke up to some snow yesterday but it should all disappear in the next few days - gotta love Saskatchewan weather!
We hope the Easter Bunny treats you all well this fine Easter Sunday!
Much love, Shelley & Bob
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Prepping for next steps
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Bob modeling Headgear |
I am please to report that I am starting to feel human again! Today I woke up with ankles - it has been a while since my ankle bones were last Bob so eloquently puts it " your calves became cows". LOL!
The "Eat, Pray, Walk" mantra continues to rule our lives in preparation for the next round of therapy. Last week, I ordered some "headgear" to have on hand for the side effects of chemo....still haven't decided on what colour (if any) my hair will be. KJ suggested in her post that we should put up some pictures....perhaps I will have a survey on best colour and style...hmmm, something to think about! In the interim, here is a picture of Bob modeling a sleeping cap :) Hahaha! He can now add modeling to his ever growing list of qualifications!
This week we are hoping for the draining tube to be removed and for the new scars to heal without cause. I think that once these two things are under control I will be able to sleep much better. My right arm is numb from the surgery - it sort of feels like the sensation one has after coming from dental work only this sensation is down the back of the arm. I have read that this can be permanent....oh well, there could be worse things! We also have a few doctors appointments to go to and I think physio for the right arm is to be scheduled.
The weather is awesome here too! I hope this finds you all well and prepping for Easter weekend!
Much love, Shelley
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Home from Hospital
Shell was able to come home this morning. She is a bit sore, especially here right shoulder and arm. This is due to node dissection. She has to take it easy for a week,though must do enough with her right arm in order to avoid developing lymphodema in her right arm. I am sure Dr. Souf said no typing,though Shell may not of heard it:)
Shell rested most of the day and is happy to have this surgery behind her. The focus now is to heal both, physically and mentally, in order to prepare for chemotherapy.
What helped to make it an even better day was the Sens clinching a playoff birth with a 5-1 win versus the Islanders.
Shell rested most of the day and is happy to have this surgery behind her. The focus now is to heal both, physically and mentally, in order to prepare for chemotherapy.
What helped to make it an even better day was the Sens clinching a playoff birth with a 5-1 win versus the Islanders.
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