Sunday, May 6, 2012


As quickly as the swelling in my mouth came this past week, today I woke up with no swelling at all!  A great way to start the day!

We have been out walking diligently every day too.  BBB's back is coming along and his speed is picking up!  I just have to remind him to either slow down or meet me at home :) Kids are doing great too!  It helps that this first round of chemo was gentle on me.  However, we are ready with wigs, smoothie ingredients, and all other suggestions from "breast" friends to weather this storm.

Here's to a great week!  Love, Shelley xo


  1. Hi Shelley,
    Sounds like your doing great. My advice for the sore mouth is to drink soda water ALL the time. You can get low sodium soda water at Superstore, add a squirt of lime or lemon juice and its not bad, I bought it by the cart full and had no problems. Enjoy the outings!
    Take care,
    Patty T

  2. Hey guys! just home from an adventure was down in the states last week I will have to fill you in when i see you next time too much typing, happy to hear you are both on the mend!! saw Joe and Ione tonight they were going for a walk they look so good! also saw sweeties new car OMG it even has an electric blind in the back window! very fancy! say hi to everyone and hope to see you guys soon.

  3. Take care Shelly...luv ya your cuz Brenda

  4. Shelly,I was finally able to find your blog. You are truly inspiring! I always knew you were a strong person but now this proves it! By posting your road to recovery it will give others strength who are currently dealing with or will face these same challenges down the road. I think of your often and I know that your family will help you towards a speedy recovery!
    Kim Thompson

  5. Shelley, am so glad that you doing well and keeping up the good fight. With lots of family support and friends you will be on top of it all. Keep up your spirits. Also glad to hear that BBB,s back if gettting better. Lots of prayers and love for you all.
    Aunt Anne
