Sunday, February 17, 2013

One year later.....

Wow! Can you believe one year since first surgery is on the horizon?  We remember Dr. Meyers informing us that the recovery from my surgeries and pending treatments would be 8 months to a year.  Both Bob and I thought 8 months sounded reasonable....why wouldn't we? I had no prior medical problems, was fairly healthy....things looked like they were stacked in my favor for a great recovery!  Hahahaha!! How naive we were!

These past few weeks have been sort of a turning point for me.  I finally feel like doing things versus "making myself do" things.  And it truly feels great! With this renewed level of energy of course comes the "return to work" plan.  So it's official, I will resume work with the Ministry of Education on March 4th.  It will be a gradual return to work plan with the hopes of full time status by May.  This is to give my body (and mind) the opportunity to adjust to work life and find the new normal required to adjust.  I am to expected fatigue, swelling, yaddayadda throughout this adjustment period.  It will be important to recognize limitations and pull back when necessary.  Hmmm, this is easier said than done I think! Part of my work plan is to start strength training so that I can "buff" the ol' arms up.....right now they are wet noodles.....hoping to get to "al dente" then the "gun show" ....hahahaha!

I will be posting one final blog after my February 21st oncology follow up..... Happy Family Day!

Love, Shelley xoxo


  1. This is the best news I have heard all month!!!! Can't wait to have you back Shelley :)


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